On October 17, at 3:00 EST, The Mihalik Group will present a webinar on “Delegation Best Practices”, presented by Frank Stelling, MEd, MPH, senior NCQA consultant for The Mihalik Group, LLC, until recently he was an Assistant Director of Policy at NCQA.  Mr. Stelling’s areas of expertise include quality improvement, credentialing, case management, disease management and all aspects of compliance with NCQA Accreditation and Certification Standards and Guidelines.
The following topics are keys to a successful delegation relationship.  Each topic will include what is NCQA’s expectations and important points to consider:

  • What is and is not delegation.
  • The delegation agreement – Setting the right expectations for the delegates. 
  • Predelegation assessment: Getting started on the right foot.
  • Relationship Building with the delegate to improve quality. 
  • Quality Improvement in delegation.
  • Setting the right expectations.
  • Monitoring and ongoing evaluation of delegate performance. 
  • Ongoing improvement activities. 

Please email marketing@themihalikgroup.com to register for this free webinar.



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